Lisa's Life Matters

My name is Lisa. I am about to go on my epic journey quest. This is where I find myself! I titled this website and Blog Lisa’s Life Matters because I am finding out just how much not only my life matters, but life itself, matters to me. This is where I will share my journey as I attend the Orientation and Training Center in Seattle, as well as my life afterwords. From now on, Lisa’s Life Matters! To me. If I can share any tips and tricks or if my process is something that can uplift or inspire othres to make their own life matter to them, I will have accomplished all that I could have ever hoped to accomplish. If I myself can get everything I can out of my own life, that is an epic achievment all on it’s own. If I can help others and encourage them to take steps to make their own lives matter though, that is even better! I know I am not out here just for myself. So I need to make my own life matter first.


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