No, not a kitchen counter, but an encounter once again. That is, well…, the freezer door popped open as something shifted, and, well, I’m sure you can guess (smile) As it swung its way out, a slight tap to the side of the magnahead, and, yes indeed, instant magnetic silence!! (laugh) Kind of snuck up on me, I guess you could say (grin)
It looks like Freedombox is mutating to a new name, so please note the new address for this that you are reading now. Wouldn’t want you to have withdrawal if you couldn’t find it again (smile
The s a stands for the new System Access Mobile Network.
Also underway is total maintenance of the bookmarks area; removal of broken links and the like.
Oh yes. Forgot to also mention the hair trimming from Friday. 2 more grabs of the scissors by the magnahead. So, that score was magnet 2, scissors nothing.
Nope, not a new kind of mystery-filled candy from an assortment chocolate box. But rather, something needing a workup in the next mapping session in August. That is, letters in words with “nk” after a vowell; like blink, blank, thank,, think, drink, drank, thrunk. Thrunk?? Aah. Thrunk. I think that would be the pluperfect something or other of think and drink!! And again, we know there is the reassurance that mapping does take care of fixing dishtunk in the connectagazoink. Oh yes. And on the sound localization front, I’ve come to realize at a glance, what gets deceiving is that with the right ear dominance, even those sounds on the left or in front show their presence on the right side. Thus, an added puzzler fora good challenge.
A great trip back east. Great seeing everybody, and the gathering at the Grand Central Oyster Bar last Thursday was fun, and a good acoustic right ear test. And taking the train down to Manhattan produced some very unique sounds as well. I’ll definitely be doing that again.
Oops. I’d taken a stumble fall while getting in a cab. Jammed the left leg a bit, and aggravated the old spider bite complications. The start of a wound again, but hope it will be dressings for travel rather than the casts. We’ll see how it looks this afternoon. While wearing the soft casts for several years, I learned that those things weren’t physically usable for autographing. So, instead of you signing your name on it, I figure you can always bring iron-ons (smile)
Off to N Y for the week. The big gathering time of year. Looking forward to seeing you all, and to hear summer sounds in a new way. Also on the 5th or 6th, several will be going to the Grand Central Oyster Bar—haven’t seen many of you for a while, and we can celebrate new ear and new herring, I mean hearing!! Give me a shout on the shoephone if anyone in the area, or will be in the area, and you want to join in!! My apologies to those hoping to hear George and Martha message for the usual July 4th custom, but it seems to be misplaced. It will turn up most inopportune I’m sure.
It was a total right ear phone plunge. I was to call someplace and do something I’d not done yet right ear only. I took the dare, and dared to try making airport travel arrangements for Monday night next. Hmmmm. One only can hope you would end up at the right airport, let alone making sure the ride arrives on the date and time hoped for. Not a day early, or a day late. Needless to say, the undertaking was a success!! (smile) I heard him pretty loud and clear, so I guess I win the prize of a shuttle ride. Very satisfying to the max!!
More good outloud readings and word list deciphering at yesterday’s session. The 2 working with me, Hannah and Melissa, have kind of similar voices at a glance, so that keeps me sharp on toes. We did a lot of emphasis on sound localization, like who is speaking, where are they sitting or where are they in the room, and so forth. So, anyone wanting to do the where are we standing puzzler game when I see you will be most welcome. We’ll also start on different environments with right ear only immersion, for the isolation of focussed sound with lots of background noises imbedded. Quite a lot ahead for sure!!
A very fine session with Karen and her 2 clinic students who are interested in C I. Various reading practice for new voices recognition, with lots of individual word drilling. Yes, that is certainly my challenge. I hope I’m not considered ever cheating and not being as if I’m not trying, if I happen to rely on a few context hints. We know using the brain with context does indeed supplement and clarifies things. On the way over on the bus, I was right side only, when we picked up a husband and wife. The lady started a conversation, me not knowing their were 2. I thought it was our driver talking, but when I realized it was someone new and unfamiliar, I was able to keep the talk flowing and follow what we were both saying. A very good unscripted scenario to occur when the brain doesn’t expect it. Allas, we still need to figure out how to get Mr. Microphone external compatible with both sides. I’m sure we’ll figure it out. I tried every configuration permutation I could think of, but we’ll have to see.
Most definitely certainly, that is the fluttersounds trouble. I think the verdict after 1 day is I really must keep it shod short!!
Several tweaks today, regarding various ratios of how sound components mix themselves together. Also, we started implementing Mr. Microphone to work on both sides, but no luck getting the new right side receiver to work with my original set of Mr. Microphones. So, I have a contingency loaner stand-in until a different receiver arrives. The stand-in does work and sends to both sides, so I know it will be very cool when it all comes together. We dropped back a level of way high magnetism, back to Level 4, to avoid further possibilities of being bitten by metal things like fridges and the like. And, with that in mind, allison told us that we were approaching the haircuts totally wrong. That is, I was getting cut where the magnet is, but, what needs to be done is to get rid of hair that touch the processor microphones. Thus, mystery solved where the underwater fluttersounds are concerned. So, Karen gave me a great initial trim, and so far this evening, the flutter has gone. And, I’ll be fine with the level 4 magnahead. A hair problem, not a magna flutter problem after all!!
Oops. Looks like the Mets are in town right here this July 4, instead of their coming in August which we figured was the usual. All of us who would go will be out of town in any case.
I walked the BoulderBoulder back in ‘98, with Doug, and it was great. Since being sidelined and offlimits with the spiderfoot bite, I figure, definitely in ‘08, it will be time again. You know how it is. Now with all this magnetism within the head, my take on it is, if with a magnet, you face true north, maybe, just maybe, I’ll have the potential to totally face the finish line head on. Wow!! No milk cartons in the path to cause veering off. (smile) This year, I can always go hang out with the crowd on the perimeter, and can now hear all the good sounds of the festivities. Or, stay in and watch it on TV. Yes, stay put. The entire city pretty much closes down, and no one ventures out to drive. Maybe have a holiday cookout, or cook in, aah yes. Let’s see now. We can have hot guide dogs in the microwave, or grill. But probably not the grill, as I’ve forgotten how to put the splatter tray on the grill, so that adventure will come later (laugh).
I have installed Magnet Level 5 on the side of me head’s wiring. It will be neatt o see if the case of the underwater flutters sounds go away, that which is caused by lotsa hair growth between haircuts. And, I can observe what additional new metal surfaces, such as appliances, I will be introduced to (smile).
Allrighty then. We can now introduce a new kind of syndrome for sure; It will be called side by side HUNGRY FRIDGE syndrome. You would think a fridge and freezer combo with all its contents wouldn’t be hungry by itself. But yesterday at the office, with witnesses present over lunch, (which made this all way cool with an audience), I leaned across to drop something in the trash. You guessed it: the fridge reached out and sucked my right ear processor into the maw of its side!! (laugh) I reared back in surprise, as the world went silent. Kind of like the audio form of who turned out the lights?? Kat was at the table, looked over, stared wide-eyed and said, “Oh, My!! Like, wow!!” Yet another one to add to the magnahead files!! (smile)
And now, we consult the paulmigs Magnahead Sportsbureau crystal prosthetic eyes, for this weekend’s prediction of who will win, with the start of the Mets Yankees series, at Old Shea by the Bay. And who will win?? Well, it will be whoever shows up to genuinely play 3 games!! Yes, another fine assessment (smile). And remember, magnahead rocks!!
Here we go again. Time to plan the outings for all 3 games whenth e Mets are in town later this year. Allas, the 3 games for the Yankees are of course sold out. However, those 3 specific Rockies home games had all ticket prices increased substantially, for those 3 games. Even the Rockpile bleacher section, something like 15 or 20 bucks. Oh well. I’m sure they had no trouble selling all seats easily, no matter what. In any case, we’ll all be ready for another Mets Fest.
Lots of food and drink to sample and have, along with a variety in the silent auction, for Radio Reading Service of the Rockies, along with several other nonproffit organizations last night in Denver. Remember, you can check out what we’re all about over on the bookmarks page. Scroll down to things beginning with R to find us. Or, it’s easy to remember,
I was asked to be on a cochlear implant roundtable panel of 5 for this Saturday’s Hearing Loss Association Meeting, 2 til 4 PM at Mapleton Center, 311 Mapleton Avenue, Flatirons Room, the usual meeting spot. There will be different categories of folks. I’ll be the recently initiated newby. As always, I look forward to all types of questions.
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